2022 Voter Guide for Monongalia County
New Districts in Monongalia County & WV
You now vote for only one House of Delegates member per the district in which you reside.
Everyone votes countywide in the County Commission and the Congressional House races.
Part of the county votes in the Senate 2 race, and the other part votes in the Senate 13 race.
Use the interactive map from the County Clerk to determine your WV House of Delegates and Senate districts.
You can also find your polling place using the WV Secretary of State website.
Make a plan to vote on Election Day: Tuesday, November 8
Your vote is even now more important to elect the best candidate from each of Monongalia's SIX House districts.
Our 2022 Republican Candidates
Countywide races listed in RED.
Senate races listed in BLUE.
House races listed in BLACK.

Alex Mooney
Congressional District #2
Congressman Alex X. Mooney and his wife, Dr. Grace Mooney, live in Charles Town in Jefferson County with their three children.
Alex was first elected to Congress in 2014 and re-elected in 2016 and 2018. He is a principled conservative fighting for lower taxes and less government regulations on businesses to create more jobs in America.

Charlie Clements
Senate District #2
Senator Charlie Clements is a lifelong resident of West Virginia and has spent 53 years in New Martinsville with his wife Genie. Growing up in the area, he received an AB in Mathematics from WVU serviced as active duty military for two years and in the army reserve for seven years.
Charlie began his legislative career in the WV House of Delegates from 1995 to 1998 and has served in the WV Senate from 2017 to the present, holding posts as follows: Chairman of Roads and Transportation Committee, Vice Chairman Pensions Committee and Vice Chairman Banking and Insurance Committee. His primary issues are economic development, broadband and transportation and infrastructure.

Mike Oliverio
Senate #13
Mike Oliverio, born in Fairmont, now a resident of Morgantown and a graduate of West Virginia University where he earned bachelor’s and master’s degrees in Business Administration. While at WVU, Mike marched in “The Pride of West Virginia”, was a member of the Army ROTC Cadet Corps and was elected by his fellow students, Student Body President.
Mike has weaved together three careers since leaving WVU. He served as a Lieutenant and Captain in the United States Army Reserve.
He served for 18 years in the West Virginia Legislature, first as a member of the House of Delegates from 1993 to 1994, then as a State Senator from 1995 to 2011. Mike hopes to be chosen by the people of his district this November to return and serve in the State Senate, again.
All the while, for the past 30 years, Mike has run his own business as a Financial Advisor with Northwestern Mutual. He focuses on helping families, small businesses and financial institutions achieve financial security.
Mike is married to Melissa, a local attorney and they are the proud parents of two children, Michael and Maggie.

Joe Statler
District #77
Del. Joe Statler is a retired miner and farmer who tends his family’s 256-acre farm near Core. Statler was instrumental in creating and chairing the first WV House Committee on Fire Departments and Emergency Medical Services, a committee he's honored to chair again today.
Joe has a long commitment to education in our community in various roles. He serves as vice-chair of the WV House Education Committee among other roles. He and his wife Louie are members of Olive United Methodist Church. Together they have three grown daughters.

Geno Chiarelli
District #78
Geno Chiarelli is a substance abuse counselor and former Child Protective Services worker. He is running so that he can help fight the drug epidemic and advocate for common sense conservative values.

Zach LeMaire
District #79
Zach LeMaire believes in creating pragmatic solutions to the issues that face our state and community.
A vote for Zach is a vote for educational reform, a vote for a new approach to the opioid crisis, and a vote for making West Virginia friendlier to business.

Justin White
District #80
Justin White resides in Westover, WV with his wife Diana White. They have three children Philip, Logan, and Madelyn. He is the small business owner of Premier Landscapes and Whitemarsh investments.
Justin is very involved within the community as serving on the Board for Habitat for Humanity and currently serving as a Commissioner for the Westover Police Department.
When it comes to running for
House of Delegates his focus includes: job development, business expansion, re-stablish and strengthen the ties within and between family and community, and to present a united voice for and from Monongalia County.

Steven Harris
District #81
Steven Harris will be a fresh voice in the WV House of Delegates. Currently, he works as an Emergency Medical Technician as he finishes his degree at WVU.
Steven will help us locally as a member of West Virginia’s Republican caucus, and he can work across party lines to work with other local delegates and officials.
Harris will be an effective leader who can bridge the gap between the capitol and our community.

Debbie Warner
District #82
Debbie Warner supports legislation that improves infrastructure, broadband and roads. She will work towards creating economic growth and a friendly business climate.
A mother of 4 children, Debbie has been married to Mac Warner for 40 years. Debbie and Mac's four children - two sons and two daughters - are currently or have been officers in the United States military. Mac, served a full career with the United States Army and now serves as WV Secretary of State.
Debbie is a real estate agent with a Certified Relocation Specialist designation. She is a graduate of Leadership Monongalia and a past board member of Christian Help.
At the top of the list, Debbie will advocate for funds for reliable broadband internet, infrastructure, and improved roads throughout Monongalia County.

Sean Sikora
County Commission
In his first term Sean has restored fiscal accountability and expanded transparency by the Monongalia County Commission.
With his demonstrated ability to manage all facets of county government, his background in business and project management, budgeting, and finance, Sean has a unique skillset that benefits all our residents and will continue to move our county forward.

Four Proposed Constitutional Amendments
The 2018 impeachment of WV Supreme Court Justices is at the core of Amendment 1.
The goal is to clarify that courts don't have authority to intervene in or review impeachment proceedings conducted by the Legislature.
Amendment 3 authorizes incorporation of churches and religious institutions.
The goal is to modernize our Constitution in a way that remedies what has technically been deemed illegal. It represents another example of antiquated language taken from Virginia, when we seceded from the Old Dominion.
Amendment 2 enables the Legislature to take up tax reform, on machinery, equipment and inventory, as well as personal property tax on vehicles.
The goal is to modernize West Virginia's tax structure moving from a system set in 1863.
Presently, our Constitution says that the supervision of education shall be invested with the State Board of Education, and Amendment 4 gives the Legislature control and authority over the State BOE.
The goal is to clarify that the rules and policies
promulgated by the State BOE, are subject to legislative review, approval, amendment, or rejection.
EMS Levy
The goal is to provide funding for the acquisition of equipment, other capital improvements, and for payment of a portion of general operating, maintenance, and other expenses to provide emergency medical services to the residents and visitors of Monongalia County. The levy is expected to generate more than $18 million dollars over four years.
Star City residents can vote to align local elections.
The goal is to revise Star City's Municipal Charter to change the election date to align with the November general election beginning in 2024.
Vote: Nov. 8!
6:30 a.m - 7:30 p.m.
at your local precinct polling place.

Election Day is Tuesday, Nov. 8
Any registered voter within Monongalia County who didn't vote early should turn out at your local precinct polling place to cast a ballot.