June 2020 Meeting Postponed
The June 2020 Regular Meeting of the MCREC has been postponed to Tuesday, June 16, 2020 due to Election Night obligations of several of...
Monongalia County Republican Executive Committee Encourages Board Continuity
The Monongalia County Republican Party strongly endorses our current Monongalia County Board of Education. The five individuals currently...
Monongalia County Republican Executive Committee Endorses Candidates for WV Supreme Court of Appeals
Monongalia County Republican Executive Committee Endorses Candidates for WV Supreme Court of Appeals The Monongalia County Republican...
June 2020 Regular Monthly Meeting
The Monongalia County Republican Executive Committee meets monthly on the Second Tuesday. Our next regular monthly meeting will be on...

MCREC To Host Series of Virtual Town Halls
We are facing unprecedented challenges across our Nation and our State. And yet our election process must continue. Candidates in races...