WV GOP Victory Gala -- February 4, 2017
REMINDER: WV GOP 2017 Victory Gala coming up February 4th in Charleston. Registration deadline is fast approaching. Learn...
2nd Senatorial Nominees for Replacement Submitted
Congrats to Monongalia County's Kent Pauley on being included in the submitted nominees. Read below for details. (From State Party Press...

GOP Seeking Replacement for Senator Leonhardt
With the promotion of Senator Kent Leonhardt by the people of West Virginia from State Senator (2nd District) to Commissioner of...
GOP Meeting for 1/10/17 Cancelled
Due to schedule conflicts, the January 10, 2017 meeting of the Monongalia County Reoublican Executive Committee has been cancelled. Our...

Republican Inaugural Reception in Morgantown
The Republican Majority Inaugural Committee will be hosting an Inaugural Reception at Lakeview Golf Resort and Spa in Morgantown, West...