Monongalia County GOP Seeking Candidate for House of Delegates (District 51)
CALL TO ACTION TO MONONGALIA COUNTY REPUBLICANS TO FILL BALLOT VACANCY The Monongalia County Republican Executive Committee is Calling on...
Monongalia County GOP to Hold County Convention
The Monongalia County GOP will hold a county convention to select delegates that will serve at the WV State GOP Convention to be held in...

Monongalia County GOP Reagan Dinner 2016
Saturday, April 23, 2016 5:30 PM - 9:00 PM Ballrooms @ Lakeview Resort, Morgantown, WV Details have been finalized and we're pleased to...
Plans for Upcoming Reagan Dinner by MCREC
The Monongalia County Republican Executive Committee is finalizing plans for our upcoming "Reagan Dinner" to be held at Lakeview Resort...
Change In Monthly Meeting Date
At the March meeting of the Monongalia County Republican Executive Committee, the Committee agreed to change the repeating day of our...