With the promotion of Senator Kent Leonhardt by the people of West Virginia from State Senator (2nd District) to Commissioner of Agriculture, the Second State Senatorial District Executive Committee is seeking resumes from interested and eligible republicans in the Second Senatorial district.
Leonhardt's resignation was effective 1/15/17. The Second State Senatorial District Executive Committee will be accepting resumes until 12 noon on Friday 1/20/17. Interviews will be held for those interested applicants deemed eligible on Monday 1/23/17 at the Doddridge County Public Library in West Union, WV. The Committee will submit a list of three qualified persons to the Goverbor who will then appoint someone to replace Leonhardt from among that list.
For questions, please contact Drew at the WV GOP headquarters via email drew@wvgop.org. Resumes may be sent to the state GOP via email to drew@wvgop.org, by US Mail to PO Box 2711, Charleston, WV 25305, or via fax to 304-768-6083.
NOTE: The Monongalia County Reoublican Executive Committee has no direct role in this replacement process. The process will be handled by The Second State Senatorial District Executive Committee with assistance of the state party staff. Please direct any questions to either of those entities.