The Monongalia County Republican Executive Committee convened for its organizational meeting on Monday, July 1, 2018 at 7:30 PM at the Monongalia County GOP Headquarters in Westover, WV. With the certification of the May 2018 Primary Election results, the five elected members of the Committee were: Paula Martinelli (Dist 8), Barton Loar (Dist 8), Anne Hildebrand (Dist 10), Charles Krushansky (Dist 11), and Pam Krushansky (Dist 11). The elected members of the Committee welcomed nine new appointees to fill vacancies: Kyle McAavoy (Dist 1), Dustin Blankenship (Dist 3), Penelope Saeler (Dist 3), Brian Kurcaba (Dist 6), Dereck Severt (Dist 7), Jeannine Powell (Dist 7), Jim Craig (Dist 9), Ethan Moore (Dist 12) and Cristy Tennant (Dist 12). The new MCREC then elected officers for the 2018-2022 term. The officers of the Committee are: Chairman Ethan Moore, Vice Chairman Anne Hildebrand, Vice Chairman Kyle McAvoy, Secretary Paula Martinelli, and Treasurer Barton Loar.
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