The Monongalia County Republican Executive Committee met for an organizational meeting on July 1, 2018. The members elected to the Committee at the May 2018 Primary were: C. Barton Loar (District 8), Paula Martinelli (District 8), Anne Hildebrand (District 10), Charles Krushasnky (District 11), and Pamela Krushasnky (District 11).
The five elected members considered requests by nine other registered Republicans from Monongalia County for appointment to fill vacancies on the Committee. The Committee considered each request and appointed the following to fill vacancies: Kyle McAvoy (District 1), Dustin Blankenship (District 3), Penelope Saeler (District 3), Brian Kurcaba (District 6), Jeannine Powell (District 7), Dereck Severt (Distrct7), James Craig (District 9), Cristy Tennant (District 12), and Ethan Moore (District 12).
At the same meeting, the newly formed Committee elected Officers for the 2018-2022 term. The new Officers for the Monongalia County Republican Executive Committee are: Ethan Moore, Chair; Anne Hildebrand, Vice Chair; Kyle McAvoy, Vice Chair; Paula Martinelli, Secretary; and C. Barton Loar, Treasurer.
The Committee is energized and looking forward to the November 2018 General Election cycle. Chairman Ethan Moore: “We’re proud to be Republicans in Monongalia County at such a time as this. The Republican-led WV Legislature has made great strides in the past four sessions to ‘right-size’ government, cut waste, trim excesses, and undue some of the damaging policies that resulted from 80 years of single-party rule. The 2018 Regular Session resulted in the passage of the pay raise for public employees, a renewed effort to evaluate and correct concerns with PEIA, and many more important Acts of the Legislature designed to help our State and its people. Especially noteworthy was the passage of the $4.3billion budget bill within the 60-day Regular Session avoiding a dramatic, prolonged, and costly Special Session or Extraordinary Session. What’s more, West Virginia is beginning to rebound and see the fruits of some of the efforts made by the Republican Legislature since 2015. Fiscal Year 2017-2018 ended on June 30, 2018 ahead of projections resulting in what was reported at the time as a $28million surplus. That’s real money that can be used to do the good things many our State’s citizens expect their Government to do. We’re excited about the future and look forward to more to come.”
The Committee meets for its regular monthly meetings on the second Tuesday of each month at 7:00 PM in the GOP Victory Center located at 829 Fairmont Rd, Suite 104, Morgantown, WV 26501.
Vacancies remain on the Committee for representatives from the following Executive Committee Districts: 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 9, and 10. If you’re interested in serving on the Monongalia County Republican Executive Committee and you’re a registered Republican living in any of those Executive Districts, please contact the Committee by email at or by calling Chairman Ethan Moore at 304-276-5050. More information is available online at