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Monongalia County Republican Executive Committee Encourages Board Continuity

The Monongalia County Republican Party strongly endorses our current Monongalia County Board of Education. The five individuals currently serving on the Board work collectively moving the students in Monongalia county to the head of the class. They engage parents, teachers, and staff in all aspects of planning and incorporate their expertise in creating a forward-thinking educational environment for our students. That educational environment stands out in our state and is competitive across the nation. In managing the challenge of the COVID-19 impact, they have positioned manpower and resources to carry on successfully educating our students even in the most unimaginable times. They have shown themselves to have a huge heart for our students and have worked to enable community volunteers to continue feeding our students in their time of need. These five are not just board members, they are family! They bond together and forge ahead instilling the love of learning into the hearts and minds of the vibrant children in Monongalia County.

Ethan Moore, Chairman

Monongalia County Republican Executive Committee

Approved by resolution of MCREC on May 12, 2020

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