Whereas, the Monongalia County Republican Executive Committee (MCREC) exists to meet
statutory roles, and to promote, encourage, and support Republicans to run for office in
Monongalia County; and
Whereas, our MCREC members are committed to electing more Republicans in 2024 at all levels of the GOP ticket; and
Whereas, the West Virginia Republican Party (WVGOP) coordinates and conducts the activities
of the GOP in West Virginia in affiliation with the Republican National Committee (RNC), the
Rules of the RNC and the RNC platform; and
Whereas, the responsibility of leadership in the RNC, the National Republican Senatorial
elected GOP officials accountable to winning and supporting Republicans in general elections by
all means possible; and
Whereas, in 2022, national party leaders were unable to deliver on the mission to restore the
US Senate to a Republican majority; and
Whereas, multiple state GOP organizations, including the Arizona GOP and Texas GOP, have
published votes of no confidence in the current RNC leadership; and
Whereas, West Virginia’s three current voting members of the RNC—State GOP Chairman Ms.
Elgine McCardle, National Committeeman Mr. Larry Pack, and National Committeewoman Ms.
Beth Bloch—are elected with grassroots Republican support at WV GOP conventions; now
Therefore, be it resolved, that our MCREC members call for West Virginia’s voting members
of the RNC to elect new leadership at the Winter RNC meeting in late January 2023 so as to
improve in fundraising, messaging, getting out the vote, and election integrity ahead of the 2024
election; and
Be it further resolved, MCREC members express appreciation and gratitude for the past
leadership of Ms. Ronna Romney McDaniel as Chairwoman of the RNC since January 19, 2017;
Be it finally resolved, MCREC Chairman Ethan Moore shall convey this resolution to other
county GOP chairs, as well as West Virginia's Republican National Committeeman and
Committeewoman, and WV GOP chair, urging that similar resolutions be taken up for
consideration locally by county committees, and at the Winter 2023 WV GOP meeting.
Adopted: December 13, 2022