Morgantown, WV - Local Republican candidates mingled with the public at a tailgate reception hosted by the Monongalia County Republican Executive Committee (MCREC) to open the Monongalia County Republican Victory Center on Tuesday, October 11. Located in Morgantown in Suite 30 of the Seneca Center at 709 Beechurst Avenue, the local GOP Victory Center will serve as a hub of volunteer coordination and activity over the next month.
Ethan Moore, Monongalia County Republican Chair, described the energy saying, “It’s an exciting day to be a Republican in Monongalia County. We’re walking proudly in the footsteps of those architects of the Republican Revival that has manifested in West Virginia since 2014. We have a great slate of eight Republican candidates vying for legislative seats in the State House and Senate races. And locally, we have the great opportunity to reelect the best county commissioner in my lifetime in Sean Sikora.”

Moore went on to say, “We know our future is bright for our Republican Party in Monongalia County. Citizens in every region of our county are realizing that when compared to failed and sometimes disastrous policies of our opponents, it makes more sense at the gas pump, the grocery store checkout, and the in their utility bills each month, to vote for the common sense, conservative Republicans trying to save our country and continue the growth of our county and state.”
Kyle McAvoy, MCREC Male Vice Chair pointed to the proposed constitutional amendments on the ballot as proof that West Virginia Republicans are delivering on commitments made to citizens, “Discussions about how to modernize West Virginia’s economy, for example, date to the start of recent Republican leadership in our state legislature.”
“Republicans have also voiced strong desire to improve education for our students and better prepare them for the future, and the proposed educational amendment helps to keep an unelected State Board of Education in check. With $4.3 billion proposed for public education in West Virginia’s 2023 budget, make no mistake our Republican legislators are committed to educational success and better results too,” McAvoy went on to say.
Noted McAvoy, “Other constitutional amendments are examples of technical clean-ups that Democrats ignored when they previously controlled our state for more than eight decades.”
Paula Martinelli, Female Vice Chair for the Monongalia County GOP, talked about the opportunity available to voters by participating in the upcoming election, “This midterm election is unique because locally, for the first time Monongalians get to vote in head-to-head races in each district of the WV House of Delegates. Voters' voices will be amplified by the new single member districts, and Monongalia County will now have six delegates.”
Additionally, Martinelli reminded citizens who might want to cast a ballot, “You can register to vote through October 18, so don’t delay and miss out on your opportunity to be heard. There are plenty of opportunities to vote, whether absentee by mail, early from October 26 through November 5, or on Election Day, which is November 8.”